In my Digital Marketing career, I initially began by specializing in SEO and Analytics. However, my focus shifted towards Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) starting in 2011 and has remained in that field ever since.

Experience with setting up A/B test

I set up hundreds of A/B tests from scratch across various testing platforms, including Google Optimize, Optimizely, Visual Website Optimizer, AB Tasty, and Adobe Test & Target.

During my teenage years, I self-taught coding starting with HTML and CSS. I build my first A/B test in 2010.

As A/B testing evolved into a more professional practice, I further expanded my coding skills and delved into jQuery. This allowed me to create more advanced experiments, particularly beneficial for dynamic pages such as product pages. I can manipulate elements like product names and prices, ensuring that A/B tests did not disrupt the functionality of the pages.

Check one of my A/B test, sticky call to action button, or see my code of a few old experiments on CodePen.

Hire me to help set up A/B test

Conversion Rate Expert

Growth Hacker/marketer

My favourite persuasion techniques